Sunday, August 12, 2007

On sticking together.

Dogs are pack animals. We have a leader, our alpha animal, who dominates and leads the rest of us around. We usually have an alpha male and alpha female, with the rest of the group falling into some combination of dominance (love it) and submission (not a fan). We always know where we stand and, we always know who is looking out for us.

Out for my morning walk, I am often struck by the solitude of you humans. One by one, you pass me on Summit Avenue. Some of you are on bicycles, some of you chasing squirrels and rabbits (why else would you be running?), and some of you (humans after my own heart), having a nice leisurely stroll – perhaps stopping for a sniff or two. What is all of this traveling alone? Where is your pack?

I think you humans secretly want to find a pack. You know how I know?

We recently had a mugging in our neighborhood. Some not so nice people had guns and took the gym bag of a very nice person. The humans around me grew concerned and some, dare I say, freaked out. That’s understandable. What surprised me even more was what came next. The humans in my neighborhood formed a pack!

My human planned a crime watch meeting at our house. The neighborhood pack, an impressive 32 strong, came out to learn how to “take a bite out of crime” (sorry, McGruff, that’s too good not to use) and feel safer in their homes. Neighbors met neighbors, interesting conversation ensued, and people left feeling connected. How cool is that?

I am all for this type of behavior. However, if you humans are truly going to band together as a pack, here are important tips from dogs and other animals living in groups:

– Herds of elephants: Young elephants are led by the older elephants with their tails. The entire herd will protect the young ones if there's any sign of danger. In other words, “It takes a village.”

– Towers of giraffes: Groups of 40 and 50 giraffes are common. It has to do with a concentration of their favored foods on a specific location. Translating for humans: Bake chocolate chip cookies, leave the windows open, and see how quickly your neighbors cluster near your door. Poof. Instant herd.

– Pods of whales: Whales in pods protect each other from predators. Think of it as an oceanographic block club.

Neighbors in the Selby/Kent area, I’m proud of you for banding together. I love seeing you stop to talk on the street and I’m even happier when you give me a little scratch. Keep it up. Let those gun-waving bullies (and anyone even thinking about it) know that they are not welcome here. In our neighborhood, we stick together.

Until next time, I’m Selby, a proud member of the Selby/Kent pack. See you on the Avenue.


Anonymous said...

Selby, thanks for your great reminder about "Packing", it's true in so many ways.
The Original B.S. Mom

Slee said...

Selby, I love you!! Thanks for the insightful sharings and inspiration from so many beings in the animal world!!

Anonymous said...

Dear selby,

I love you especially because ive met you in person.
